This quick start guide gives an overview of the steps required for an organisation to get started with connection to the data exchange.
About the NordicWay 3 Sweden Data Exchange
NordicWay 3 is a programme of C-ITS pilot projects that enable vehicles, infrastructure and network operators to communicate safety hazards and other information from roads in the Nordic countries between different stakeholders.
The projects are a collaboration between public and private partners in Finland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark and build on the achievements from the previous NordicWay project.
This data exchange has been established to enable participants in Sweden to exchange C-ITS information related to the pilot projects.
A FreshDesk account is required to create support desk tickets. You can sign up for a new support account here.
Local Actor
Participant organisations may develop one or several C-ITS systems that publish or consume data on the Sweden exchange. Each system that connects to the data exchange is referred to as a “Local Actor”.
Access and rights for the Sweden data exchange are arranged by Monotch.
Steps for Getting Started on the Sweden Data Exchange
Step 1 – Register your organisation
- Download and fill out the “New Organisation” form which is attached to this article.
- Create a new FreshDesk support ticket by clicking on “New Support Ticket” on the Support Home Page, choose product type "".
- Attach the signed New Organisation form to the support ticket and submit it.
- A user account for the Sweden Interchange will be created for the technical contact person nominated on the organisation registration form and details will be provided in a response to the support ticket.
- The technical contact person can then log in to the data exchange dashboard (link will be provided in the response to the support ticket).
Step 2 – Create a Local Actor and register a security certificate
- Once an organisation is registered, they can create a Local Actor.
- An organisation is also required to be registered as a "CS1 Issuer" under EN ISO 14816 in order to be able to publish data on the exchange. The registration ID forms part of the publisher ID of the Local Actor. For more information, please see Registration under EN ISO 14816 is not required to consume data.
- A temporary publisher ID may be issued while you complete the registration process. Please submit a support ticket from the Support Home Page to request a temporary publisher ID.
- One security certificate is required per Local Actor. A Certificate Signing Request (CSR) is required to register a new security certificate.
- For instructions on creating a Local Actor, see the Knowledge Base article "Creating a Local Actor”.